Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Let Love Be

What is love? Webster Dictonary defines love as, "a feeling of strong and constant affection towards a person" Lol!! Is that it?? Seriously, love is so much more than that!! At least to me it me love is bigger than life. Love is the core of our existence. Without love, we are lost. 
But, that is what love means to ME. 
What does love mean to you? Only we can define love. Love is an entity to ones own heart. Yours to give and yours to take. We all define love differently. We all express love differently and, we all except love differently. And you know what? That is totally cool!! Let's stop trying to justify love, and let's just let love be. :)))

It's Cool to be Kind

It's a mad, mad, world we live in...disease, terrorism, corruption...I need not go on! It's a busy world we live, kids, commuting. It is so easy to lose faith. Lose our patience, lose our minds!! How can we keep it together? How can we make it work? The answer is KINDNESS!! Spread kindness everyday, to everyone, everywhere you go. Simple acts of kindness...a smile, hold a door open, let someone merge in front of you in traffic. Make an office coffee run, share a ride...spare a square!! The world needs kindness. I need it, you need it, we ALL need! Sharing kindness will make the world a better place. Our children learn through example. If our children see us being kind to others, then they will learn to be kind as well. What better lesson can we teach them :))))

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Because I'm Happy

Are you Happy? Is this a question anyone ever asks you, or just a question you ask yourself? The Webster dictionary defines happiness as a state of well being and contentment. JOY! It sounds pretty good to me! So just be Happy! It really is not that hard! Look, we all have problems, honestly! Every single person in this world  has situations in their lives that upset them and bring them down. I remember so vividly driving back from Children's Hospital one Sunday to see Justin and Luke. Ashley was in the PICU after her second heart surgery and not doing very well. It was a beautiful sunny day. I was driving down the toll road in my husband's car, let me tell you he has good taste in automobiles. Anyway, I was just feeling so bad for myself, why was this happening to me? My life is so bad, no one can understand how hard it is for me! I am all alone. Then I looked over at the driver next to me, just another passing car. The driver looked and me and smiled. Maybe they smiled at the car, maybe they smiled because it was a beautiful sunny day. Maybe they smiled so that I would feel better. For what ever reason, in that split of a second, a smile from a passing driver, it hit me! I am not alone. We all have problems. For all I know the driver of that car could have a lot more troubles than I. I looked at all the cars around me and thought I am not alone, we all suffer, we all face sadness and disappointment. Accept it, just accept it, because "It is what it is."
Trust me once you accept this idea, happiness is easy! I am not saying you have to be happy all the time, but most of the time. Come on be Happy!! 
Do what makes you Happy! I love to shop!! It makes me so happy!! What makes you happy? Traveling, being at the beach, being outdoors? Everyday is an opportunity to find happiness...go find yours!! 
After "a little" shopping in NYC. I put together an outfit that make me feel really happy. I layered a fur vest over a light weight leather jacket. I paired it with black skinny jeans and brown boots. My Michael Kors bag finished the look! Fur was all the rage in NYC!! 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

My daughter My light

If my sons ever read my blog (not) I do not think they would be jealous that I am writing specifically about Ashley. They love her as much as I do, and have shaped her life as only brothers can. But, I cannot define myself, without her. 
She is an extention of me, really a part of me. She is funny, sassy, smart, caring, and kind. She does not know how strong she is, although she can do 15 push ups! She loves fashion and plans to work at Justice. She loves music, we have seen Ke$ha and Katy Perry.  She is full of life. She sees the good in everything. She does not complain or whine, yet she has more cause than most to do so. She has given me more than I can possibly describe. There was a point in my life when I questioned why God would "do this to me" (meaning give me a child with multiple birth defects). Now, I thank God everyday that she is in my life!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Forgiveness is something we must incorporate in our daily lives. We must forgive others for hurt or pain they have caused us intentionally or unintentionally. We must forgive ourselves for not meeting the high expectations we set, or for the guilt we feel of not doing enough, or for doing the wrong things. We MUST accept forgiveness and transform it into positive energy to share with the WORLD!! #dream without fear #love with out limits

My Family

My family is my heart and soul. They are the people that matter most to me in the entire world and there is nothing I would not do for them...all of them! My parents, in laws, siblings, nieces and nephews. I try to stay close with all of them, but we all know how hard that can be in today's busy world. I just hope they know how much I love them for all of their support and friendship over the years. My immediate family...Mike, Justin, Luke, and Ashley, are more than people, they are pieces of my heart. Forever a part of me.
We are 5 points on a star that will burn forever or at least in my universe!! My life is full and complete because of them and I am so grateful!! 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

WVU friends

My WVU girlfriends are the very first thing I need to tell you about...because they are CRAZY! I mean technically I really can't even tell the good stories (#girlfriendcode) but you all know what I mean. They are my core group. The bitches who told me to rub vaginal itch cream all over my face because it would get rid of zits (absolutely don't try it). The ones who constantly made fun of my car, but always needed a ride ( to Dairymart for Boones Farm ). The one who make me laugh, cry, and pass out, but the ones  I love more than anything! And, therefore dedicate my very first blog. Moi moi ra ra ra ra ( you all know who you are )